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Готові шаблони для інтерактивних проектів

Опубліковано на 16 mei 2024
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Готові до повторного використання

How Do You Prefer to Spend Your Evenings?

This template for a rank battle mechanic, also widely recognized as image polls (or head-to-head polls), is versatile and easy to use. You can use this
template as is, or replace the text and images with your own. It takes just a few minutes to customize. These surveys allow you to create a voting poll for
your audience on absolutely any topic. You can write text on the cards, add images or animations, and let your audience vote for any of them. Use photos of
your friends, celebrities, or ask questions using this mechanism. You can also embed this game on your company's website, blog, or any other platform.
Опубліковано на 16 mei 2024
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Готові до повторного використання