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How well do you know Coldplay? / English Listening Test
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līdz Anton from Interacty
  • Pakāpes līmenis

  • Temats

    English Language Arts
  • Resursu veids

    Interaktīva darbība
  • Izveidots

    2022. gada 17. novembris
Šī veidne ir bezmaksas personīgai, nekomerciālai lietošanai.
  • Pakāpes līmenis

  • Temats

    English Language Arts
  • Resursu veids

    Interaktīva darbība
  • Izveidots

    2022. gada 17. novembris
  • Demonstrējums tiešraidē
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Par šo veidni
Is there anyone in this world who doesn't like Coldplay? If yes, you probably never listened to this band. Their beautiful songs captivated hearts and inspired people from their time and even to this day. Let's see how well you are acquainted with the music of the world's best band. Listen to the song and take our Coldplay quiz to practice your English.