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Memory Game - Match the Picture to the Nursery Rhyme
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līdz Robert Schoolcraft
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    Interaktīva darbība
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    2022. gada 22. novembris
Šī veidne ir bezmaksas personīgai, nekomerciālai lietošanai.
  • Pakāpes līmenis

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    Interaktīva darbība
  • Izveidots

    2022. gada 22. novembris
  • Demonstrējums tiešraidē
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Demonstrējums tiešraidē
Par šo veidni
The - Match the Picture to the Nursery Rhyme Memory Game will help a child excel in memory skills! This product features ageless nursery rhymes allowing a child to grow their imagination while improving their memory at their own pace. This product is Must-Have for anyone who wants to give a a head start in life!