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Interaktive Präsentationen

    • Preview for template "Einfache Präsentation"
      Einfache Präsentation
      • Preview for template "Impressionismus"
        • Preview for template "Datensicherheit am Arbeitsplatz"
          Datensicherheit am Arbeitsplatz
          • Preview for template "Der Satz des Pythagoras"
            Der Satz des Pythagoras
            • Preview for template "Alte Geschichte"
              Alte Geschichte
              • Preview for template "Quiz"
                • Preview for template "Fluchtraum"
                  • Preview for template "Präsentation"
                    • Preview for template "Lernen Sie die Grundlagen Spanisch"
                      Lernen Sie die Grundlagen Spanisch
                      • Preview for template "Lichtthema"
                        • Preview for template "Dunkles Design"
                          Dunkles Design
                          • Preview for template "Modernes Thema"
                            Modernes Thema
                            • Preview for template "Berühren Sie Mathe"
                              Berühren Sie Mathe
                              • Preview for template "Klassisches Thema"
                                Klassisches Thema
                                • Preview for template "Modernes Thema 2"
                                  Modernes Thema 2
                                  • Preview for template "Interaktive Präsentation im Klassenzimmer"
                                    Interaktive Präsentation im Klassenzimmer
                                    • Preview for template "Fitness-Präsentation"
                                      • Preview for template "Verkaufsbericht"
                                        • Preview for template "Earth Week Memory Spiel"
                                          Earth Week Memory Spiel
                                          • Preview for template "Gesundheit ist wichtig"
                                            Gesundheit ist wichtig
                                          winner's cup
                                          Sie brauchen etwas Besonderes?

                                          Interactive Presentations

                                          Interacty offers various content types, and we've introduced interactive presentation templates with navigation controls that work well on any device. Here, you can find examples and templates to get started. You can preview them in live mode. All presentation templates are clickable. Our presentations are a great way to engage your audience and make them love your content. They are ideal for:

                                          • Education
                                          • Onboarding
                                          • Client demos
                                          • Business training
                                          • And many other cases

                                          Interactive Presentation Maker Features

                                          Your audience can interact with the presentations by clicking elements, taking quizzes, and more. For example, this interactive presentation slide is a mini-game that challenges users to find security breaches on a home screen. Users need to find and click on the compromised document.

                                          presentation live image

                                          Mix static and interactive content. Quizzes are always a good fit in presentations to allow users to test their knowledge.

                                          quiz start page

                                          Now, let's look at the onboarding and awareness case. After a few image-text slides, introduce team members using this interactive memory game.

                                          presentation memory game

                                          Presentations for Education

                                          Interactivity isn't always necessary. You can include images and text blocks as in traditional PPT presentations.

                                          presentation slide

                                          Here's an example of an interactive block: a Before-After slider in an educational presentation about art.


                                          Is It Similar to PowerPoint?

                                          The structure is a bit different. You can place blocks vertically, one below another. Instead of dragging them wherever you want, you select a layout type. You can publish your interactive presentation and get a public sharable link or embed it on any site.

                                          Other Ideas

                                          • Add a lead form in your presentation to collect viewers' data.
                                          • Add voting block to your slide
                                          • Try other block types, like puzzles and crosswords.
                                          • Print your presentation (yes, Interacty has a Print button for each project, converting it to PDF).

                                          For a step-by-step guide on creating interactive presentations with Interacty, visit our help center: https://help.interacty.me/en/content/how-to-create-interactive-presentations-with-interacty