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Sheila Berg
  • Quizzes
  • Games
  • 5
  • 224
  • 2
Hi! I'm Sheila! 🍎 I'm an Adjunct Professor, a K-12 Teacher, and have been a Training Manager for a curriculum company responsible for e-learning implementation and education best practices professional development. 💻 I'm a certified online teacher and have been teaching and training remotely for 15+ years. 💟🏋️‍♀️ I'm currently a Health and Physical Education teacher as I jumped back into teaching middle school when the pandemic created a need for experienced online teachers! 🎯I strive to make engaging content that students love to use! 👏 I hope you enjoy my Interacty content!
Alle skabeloner
  • Preview for user template "undefined"
    The Health Triangle
  • Preview for user template "undefined"
    Health + Wellness Vocab Review Game
  • Preview for user template "undefined"
    Flashcards: Health + Wellness Unit Vocab
  • Preview for user template "undefined"
    Fortune Cookie Message - For Fun!
  • Preview for user template "undefined"
    Get Motivated!