이 템플릿은 개인적, 비상업적 용도로 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다.
학년 수준
Math리소스 유형
대화형 활동생성됨
2022년 11월 16일
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- 이 템플릿 정보
라이브 데모
이 템플릿 정보
This is the second part of the game about finding dinosaurs! Here, students will have to solve multiplication equations, and at the same time find a new kind of dinosaur!
In this game, you must complete tasks to open all the cells and see what is hidden under them. As tasks, you can put your questions. It doesn't have to be math. The template is suitable for any subject. Your students will love this game!
Paleontologists are excavating dinosaurs. They divided the search area into squares. But to dig up a dinosaur, you need to do some calculations. Help paleontologists find the correct answers and unearth the relic! So excited to see what they find!
This template uses images purchased from Shutterstock.